Stay Safe, Online
Safe Horizon’s online safety tips for victims of crime, abuse, domestic violence and stalking can help you decide what cyber safety measure is best for your situation.

Our Website
The website uses HTTPS which uses encryption to keep any personal information a user might enter on, between them and Safe Horizon. The website also uses strong passwords to prevent brute force attacks from hackers.
Escape Button
At we want you to stay safe. If you feel unsafe while visiting our website, feel that your internet use is being monitored or in the event that an abuser enters the room, use the red tab on the right side of any page to quickly jump to This button causes the pages visited on Safe Horizon to become lost in your internet history. After the sequence is finished, the web page will then redirect to Google.
Clearing Browser History
Your browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.) keeps track of what websites you visit in the browser history. If your website use is being monitored you may delete visits from your browser history by selecting your browser Tools or Preferences and selecting items in the history list to delete. Clearing all browser history may look suspicious, so it might be best to only select the web site visits that are undesirable.
Privacy and Collecting Information
We do not collect personal information from you unless you provide it to us. Read more about how we use cookies and your IP address in our Website Policy.
Quick Tips for Cyber Safety
- Limit the personal information you share online
- Ask friends to be sensitive when tagging you in social media as well
- Change passwords often
- Make them strong and secure. example: C0mp$t3r!
- Log out of email or social media, when you are not using your account
- Turn off location or tracking services on mobile devices
- Use a safe computer, at a library, shelter, or internet cafe
- Download our tip card (above) and share with friends!
If you have questions or want to talk to someone because you do not feel safe online, call us at 1-800-621-HOPE (4673).
If you can not call and would like us to contact you, please fill out this form to Contact Us.