"There was more pain from the emotional and mental abuse than the physical. Safe Horizon helped me tremendously." - Mimi, a domestic violence survivor.
How Mimi was affected by Domestic Violence
Originally from Belize, Mimi faced domestic violence in her native land at the hands of her partner. After moving to New York City, she thought she had left domestic violence behind. But, her partner in New York City also became verbally and physically abusive. The abuse escalated when he attacked her in front of her two young children. But Mimi’s daughter intervened by jumping on his back.
After the incident Mimi decided to call the authorities and they referred her to Safe Horizon’s Community Program in Brooklyn. Through her work with the Community Program, Mimi could find a way to break free from the abuse and begin to heal.
How Safe Horizon Helped Mimi Overcome Verbal and Mental Abuse
Safe Horizon’s Community Programs serve all five boroughs of New York City. Services for victims of domestic violence and other crimes include3:
- Crisis Intervention and Case Management
- Practical/Emergency Assistance
- Information, Referrals and Advocacy
- Individual Counseling and access to Support Groups
At the Brooklyn Community Program Mimi met someone who would change her life forever; the Director of the Brooklyn Community Program, Kimmi Herring.
Kimmi helped Mimi understand that the violence and abuse she experienced in her relationships was not her fault. She provided support and counseling so Mimi could overcome the many harmful effects of abuse that lingered. “There was more pain from the emotional, mental abuse than the physical, ” Mimi explains. “Bruises heal, but the verbal and mental abuse is what I needed to break free from. Kimmi helped me with that tremendously.”
Kimmi introduced Mimi to other Safe Horizon resources that could help her. Because Mimi was legally married to her partner in New York City, Kimmi connected Mimi to our Domestic Violence Law Project (DVLP). The legal staff at DVLP helped Mimi obtain an Order of Protection to address her safety concerns. They also helped represent Mimi throughout the divorce process in court.
Mimi was living in the United States on a temporary travel visa, so Kimmi connected her to our Immigration Law Project (ILP), which helps undocumented victims of crime and abuse and their families with their legal status. ILP helped Mimi and her daughter file for and obtain their green cards.
With Safe Horizon’s help, Mimi continues to work towards overcoming the abuse she suffered. Mimi’s renewed confidence in herself helped motivate her to go to school to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and continue to pursue a career as a Medical Assistant. Mimi is still in contact with Kimmi for ongoing support and she is working towards becoming a member of our Speakers Bureau so she can tell her story and advocate for other survivors.
How You Can Help People like Mimi
You can help make a difference by participating in our #PutTheNailinIt campaign to end domestic violence. All it takes are three simple steps:
- Donate to help support Safe Horizon’s services for victims of domestic violence
- Paint your left ring fingernail purple, the color of the anti-domestic violence movement
- Share a photo of the purple nail on social media using hashtag #PutTheNailinIt
People from all over the world are participating in #PutTheNailinIt and donating to help us provide domestic violence victims with the support they need including: shelter, counseling, hotline services, free legal advice, representation and other critical services.
Will you join us by making your donation and painting your left fingernail purple today?